Hello there! I didn't post anything in August so there you go, some updates on me and this blog, in this "unfocused"/"random" post format (the first of its kind here!)
Blog things
I found that at least on Codeberg Pages, I can link to some page like "about" in order to open "about.html". That will save me a few bytes here and there. However, renaming the HTML files to remove their extensions seems like a big no-no (can break links, syntax color not working in my editor, etc).
The articles are in an <article> tag, but their heading is outside of it. That's fine for reader mode, but not for the W3C validator, which is otherwise happy if the article has a subheading. But I worry that some browsers would interpret the subheading as a full heading.
I still don't know if blue and orange links are a good idea for distinguishing internal/external links, maybe it'll change in the near future. They make me think of Undertale and its blue/orange attacks (except it's the opposite in terms of movement affordance).
Game things
I started implementing Uproar's Chapter 1's real ending, but I feel like it's too much of a downer ending (one of the protagonists is mortally wounded, and the other remembered their evil mission). Maybe I should rewrite it, or add another scene with a bit of hope.
Speaking of Uproar, I wonder if I should go full-on Bauhaus for the aesthetic, since version 0.3 had more curves and details than that. Since video games can be art, that could work, but I'm afraid of introducing confusion where it's not needed. I guess tile-based computer systems (e.g. Commodore 64) were also kinda cubist Bauhaus présentoirs? I've seen very fancy pixel-arts on Pixel Joint about this.
The Super Note project is still dormant. I revisited the procedural version of the 3D prototype, which was more fun than the hand-crafted one. I guess the level design is too cramped? Also, there's an unfinished turn-based battle screen there.
Speaking of cramped level design, I had a try at the opposite, and now Gordon Kart 2D has an airplane mode, literally. I made a devlog here.
That's it for current Godot projects.
I'm also toying with text games in C :
One of the prototypes is a parser game, and I learned parsers are very easy to do, but very hard to do right. Even when you stick to two-word parsers. Choose your verbs carefully.
Another prototype has absolutely no framework/dependency except stdio.h. Yup, not even stdbool for booleans. As long as it still looks elegant without it I guess it's fine. One exception sometimes is a separate file like engine.h / engine.c to separate the engine code from the game code.
I also did a prototype called "story CSV" which reads all of the story's data from, you guessed it, a CSV file. However, I can only make "state machine games" with it for now, who knows what else in the future.
Other things
My summer holidays are almost over. I went to Brittany, and contrary to popular belief, the weather was pretty good.
Also, after more than one year of doing nothing, my old bicycle is still working. The brakes are a bit too soft, but maybe they were always like this and it's more like my new bike has better ones. Who knows.
On that, see ya in the next one!